The Global Nutrition Report: an independent mid term review and facilitation of the strategic planning process


N4D provided technical and quality assurance support to Ecorys in an independent Mid Term Review of the Global Nutrition Report. The objectives of the mid-term review were threefold: 1. Evaluate the effectiveness, coherence and relevance of the GNR; 2. Understand whether any changes are needed to GNR’s approach, governance, products and services to deliver on the strategic vision for the programme between 2021-2025; 3. Provide actionable recommendations regarding GNR strategy, programmes and governance for the future. 

The GNR management response to the Mid Term Review can be found here. The GNR Stakeholder Group requested N4D and Ecorys to facilitate a strategic planning process between February – July 2022 that would address the recommendations of the Mid Term Review. 



Chris Leather

Chris Leather

The N4D Approach

N4D supported the design of the Mid Term Review, the review of literature and key informant interviews, data analysis and report writing. Whilst Ecorys leadership was vital as a research based consultancy agency addressing a broad range of development issues, N4D’s in depth knowledge of the global nutrition ecosystem helped ensure the Review process built on existing knowledge and addresses critical questions regarding GNR’s role and approach. N4D jointly facilitated the susequent GNR strategic planning process together with Ecorys. 


The Mid Term Review recognised the GNR as an essential source of independent, high-quality evidence on nutrition whilst calling for the GNR to clarify its primary target audiences, its role and added value within the wider global nutrition ecosystem and to strengthen its strategic partnerships to ensure GNR’s data and evidence reaches, is relevant for and is used by policy makers, within and beyond the nutrition community. The MTR also called for the GNR to strengthen is governance and delivery mechanisms in order to maximise its independence, policy relevance and effectiveness. The findings and recommendations of the Mid Term Review were accepted in full by the GNR Stakeholder Group and were addressed during the strategic planning process facilitated by N4D and Ecorys.

The main output of the strategic planning process was the GNR Charter which presents the GNR’s long-term Strategic Vision up to 2030 as well as an overview of its operational approach and governance arrangements. It is intended to guide three-year programmes of work, whilst allowing flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. It is primarily for use by internal stakeholders, providing a common overarching framework for everyone involved in the GNR, but will also be copy edited and formatted for external audiences. The N4D / Ecorys team also supported the development of the GNR’s strategy 2023-2035, aligned with the Charter and macde detailed recommendations for reforms to GNR´s governance arrangements.